What Is Third Wave Coffee
Nowadays, the term third wave of coffee is often heard in stores or on the Internet, but do you know the true meaning of the third wave? What is the difference between the third wave and specialty coffee? And what do the first, second, and even fourth waves mean?
It is not easy to clearly define the third wave of coffee. The interpretations of each company are diverse, and some of them even contradict each other. In order to find out the truth, the author interviewed experts in the industry and asked them to define the third wave of coffee. This article is the opinion of experts.
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Why Is The Third Wave? What Happened In The First and Second Waves?
Let us take a quick look at the history of the coffee industry. In the 1960s, the coffee consumer market began to grow rapidly. This was the first time in history that coffee became easy to obtain. This is the simple definition of the first wave of coffee.
The second wave of coffee was accompanied by the improvement of the existing coffee quality. Large companies like Starbucks started operating coffee shops and profited from this business. Coffee began to become a luxury rather than a necessity.
More importantly, we are beginning to realize the importance of the entire coffee supply chain. From the producer to the consumer, buyers of green beans begin to pay attention to where the coffee is produced and how it is processed. This information will eventually be passed on to the consumers.
The above is a very simple definition of the first wave and the second wave of coffee. What about the third wave?
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Why Is The Third Wave Of Coffee Different?
The essence of the third wave of coffee is really the best way to appreciate a good quality coffee.
Appreciation and quality are closely related to the third wave of coffee we drink.
The third wave of coffee does not allow the use of outdated traditional methods to grow or brew coffee.
In Dismas's answer, we can see the importance of each participant in the supply chain: producers, importers, roasters, baristas, and consumers. Different from the first wave of coffee, consumers only have "easy access to coffee". In contrast, the third wave of coffee is the result of every role in the supply chain dedicated to developing coffee.
However, these are still relatively vague concepts. Let us analyze the more specific details of the third wave of coffee.
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The Critical Points Of The Third Wave Of Coffee
Enhance the coffee quality, direct trade, more emphasis on the importance of sustainable development, shallow roasting degree, innovative brewing methods, etc. These are the inherent characteristics of the third wave of coffee. We pursue the sweetness of coffee, the complexity, and the uniqueness of the flavor, and everyone loves it.
But when it comes to the more professional part, there is one more thing that we missed, and that is the customer service link.
The 2016 World Brewing Competition champion Intani Tetsu told the author that thanks to the direct trade business model, baristas and roasters can let consumers know more about the story behind coffee beans.
Drinking a cup of specialty coffee produced in the right way, coupled with the added value gathered in the supply chain, makes specialty coffee a great experience. This experience is a combination of education, knowledge, enthusiasm, and hospitality.
The third wave of coffee is to create a special experience for customers. Customer service is one of them, and telling people the story behind the coffee is another. This story is woven by producers, importers, roasters, and baristas. This explains why coffee is so unique, why you will taste special aromas and flavors, and how high-quality coffee is not easy to get.
This kind of consumer education can also be achieved by establishing smoother communication channels between producers and consumers, including direct trade and social media.
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What Is The Difference Between The Third Wave Of Coffee And Specialty Coffee?
You may also often hear that "specialty coffee" and "third wave coffee" can be used interchangeably, so the author asked the interviewees if they saw the difference between the two. All interviewees agreed that there is a difference between the two.
The third wave of coffee does not really mean a cup of coffee but contains all the elements that love coffee, that is, the presentation of the complete supply chain.
So if the third wave of coffee is different from specialty coffee, what is specialty coffee? The SCA definition of the Specialty Coffee Association is based on the full cup score of 100 points. As long as it reaches 60 points but less than 80 points, it belongs to commercial coffee, and if it reaches 80 points, it can be called specialty coffee. These special coffees are usually grown in specific microclimates and soils, focusing on production and delicate processing techniques (removing the pulp from the coffee beans).
Specialty coffee is an important element of a series of high-quality services because it ensures the quality of coffee that the drinker will drink and systematically evaluates its quality.
Similarly, specialty coffee is the final product that realizes the spirit of the third wave of coffee. As long as the coffee served has a unique quality and is significantly different from ordinary coffee, we can connect it with the taste buds of consumers.
The third wave of coffee is an experience, and specialty coffee is what we come into contact with in this experience.
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Can Specialty Coffee Be The Second Wave?
As mentioned above, we have combined specialty coffee with the third wave of coffee very well, but if the third wave of coffee represents the relationship between consumers and coffee, is it theoretically possible to connect specialty coffee with the second wave?
For specialty coffee, it does not necessarily require the third wave to achieve it. It does not necessarily require service to highlight the value of coffee, but it is undeniable that it is necessary to create a perfect experience. This service link is still necessary.
In other words, the third wave of coffee needs the support of specialty coffee, but specialty coffee does not necessarily need the third wave of coffee to prove itself.
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The Fourth Wave Of Coffee, Is It Here?
Recently I heard some people talk about the fourth wave of coffee. There are many controversies about this statement. Is it possible for the fourth wave of coffee to exist? Or is the fourth wave happening just because we don't know it?
In fact, it is quite difficult to have the fourth wave because, in the third wave of coffee, we already have high-quality coffee, meaningful trade relations, innovative brewing methods, understanding of planting and processing processes, and so on.
The fourth wave may represent the highest and ultimate result of the specialty coffee movement. I discussed this topic with a few people, and everyone thought that the possibility of exploring the fourth wave of coffee should not be given up.
The fourth wave can be regarded as a scientific breakthrough in coffee. We will talk more deeply about the precise knowledge of soil, coffee trees, and coffee beans.
The third wave of coffee is a sport, an experience, and consumer education and services. No matter how you define the third wave, I believe we are all very lucky to witness the evolution of the coffee industry with our own eyes. As the public pays more and more attention to coffee production and quality, more equitable and better-drinking coffee will be produced, benefiting all roles in the coffee supply chain.
So when you enter a third-wave coffee shop next time, don't be afraid to ask the barista what kind of coffee you are drinking because every question and answer with the shop is the essence of third-wave coffee.
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