The Three Stages Of Espresso Extraction

The Three Stages Of Espresso Extraction

Although the extraction time of espresso is very short, it is not simple at all. Many chemical and physical changes take place in the coffee powder when you extract it by hand. What is more complicated is that the moment the hot water touches the dry powder, it will affect all subsequent extractions, which will have a huge impact on the final concentrated flavor.

In order to explore the extraction of espresso, this article allows us to explore the three stages of espresso extraction and how to apply this knowledge.

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Pre-steeping Stage

The pre-steeping stage is when the water first contacts the coffee powder, so this stage is not to extract but to prepare the coffee powder for subsequent extraction.

When brewing coffee by hand, we will pour a little water into the powder bed for steaming at the beginning, which will expand the coffee powder and expel the carbon dioxide and bubbles in the coffee powder.

These bubbles will hinder the combination of coffee powder and water and may cause incomplete coffee extraction. Therefore, it is very important to let the coffee powder expand and exhaust before extraction and to ensure that the coffee powder is evenly moisturized.

The principle of espresso extraction is also the same, which is why it is necessary to let the beans really exhaust before brewing espresso, which means that less carbon dioxide will be released during the brewing process.

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It is worth noting that espresso machines produced by different manufacturers have different prepreg systems. The prepreg system is divided into two stages: pre-wetting and pre-injection. The pre-wetting function is applied to very fresh coffee beans. It allows the coffee machine to release the carbon dioxide in the coffee powder by opening the solenoid valve.

If the coffee beans have been properly vented, there is no need to remove excess carbon dioxide.

As for the pre-injection system, the coffee powder is first moistened, and after absorbing the water, it releases carbon dioxide and expands.

He emphasized that it is very important to maintain the stability of the coffee powder bed during the pre-injection and pre-wetting stages and to control it at the most appropriate time. If the time of this stage is too short, carbon dioxide will still be released in the subsequent stages, affecting extraction.

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Another point to consider is the interference of coffee grounds caused by water impacting the coffee powder. The extraction time of espresso is short, and many machines extract at a pressure of 9 atmospheres so that the coffee espresso is very high. However, the impact will shift the position of the coffee powder.

It is very important to minimize the occurrence of the channel effect. Suppose the pressure of the hot water and coffee powder is at 9 atmospheres when the hot water is in contact with the coffee powder during the pre-steeping stage. In that case, it may interfere with the extraction of coffee powder and allow water to flow from the coffee powder in a specific area. In other words, it will lead to uneven extraction results.

In order to avoid the channel effect, it is necessary to prevent the flowing hot water from being affected by any machine pressure during the pre-steeping stage but to moisten the coffee powder in a flat manner.

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Water Injection Stage

The next stage of concentrated extraction is water injection. Ideally, the coffee powder must be fully moistened. When the water passes through, the coffee powder has a stable and consistent structure and can consistently resist the flow of water. The stage after prepreg and the coffee powder has the highest resistance to water at this stage.

The pressure part is close to the maximum critical value, which is usually nine atmospheres. During the water injection phase, the flow rate can be seen to increase, and this will cause constant changes in the resistance due to the wetting of the coffee powder.

This is also the stage where most chemical reactions are produced. The aroma, acidity, sweetness, bitterness, and coffee will all be extracted at this stage.

Read More: What Does Aroma Mean And The Different From Flavor?

The time and amount of water injection will affect the flavor of espresso. The acidity of the fruit is extracted first, followed by sweetness and mellowness, and finally bitterness. A balanced flavor and taste concentrate should have these elements. However, depending on the origin of the coffee, the processing method, the degree of roasting, and other conditions, there are suitable different extraction times.

It is worth mentioning that darker roasts will dissolve substances more easily due to structural deterioration, and lighter roasts will require a longer extraction time to produce the same extraction effect as dark roasted coffee.

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Finishing Water Injection

The end of water injection is the last short period of espresso extraction. Most of the delicious elements in the coffee are actually in the cup, and what is extracted at this time is the less pleasing substance, but we still need this stage of extraction. To balance the flavor of the coffee, if there is no final extraction, the coffee may be too strong.

Different Stages Correspond To Different Water Flow

Lauro, the chief engineer of the Simonelli Group, a manufacturer of Italian coffee machines and grinders, said: "During the extraction phase, the coffee powder will be pushed by the high-pressure water throughout the entire phase, so the coffee powder in this phase will always be compressed and squeezed into each other. ."

Lauro collaborated with the International Coffee Research and Innovation Center and the University of Camerino to explore "methods to generate (water) waves. These waves can relax the coffee powder bed, allow more water to penetrate, and improve the overall permeability of the water."

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The result of this inquiry later became the application of the Pulse Jet technology department of the Simonelli team to the new espresso machine Aurelia Wave. The barista can choose different water flow rates for the three extraction stages of espresso.

Lauro emphasized: "You can't say which flavor profile or extraction method is better. After all, the taste is a personal preference and depends on the flavor elements you want. He gave an example, and one is sun-dried Peruvian coffee, the other is washed Uganda coffee. The team Tests were conducted on these two coffees. Each cup of coffee was extracted using traditional methods, and different coffees were brewed at different stages with three water flows, and then blindly tested by 6 Q graders."

He said that with the use of Pulse Jet, washed coffee, the acidity of the brewed coffee becomes softer. We can control the acidity and make the coffee taste more balanced. Therefore, we can feel sweetness and sourness in a balanced taste.

If you use this system, sun-dried coffee will have a better body and will amplify the flavor characteristics of sun-dried coffee, and bring better sweetness.

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Therefore, we suggest that in addition to the general procedures: fill the coffee powder into the handle, cloth powder, select the brewing ratio and water temperature. You can also use Pulse Jet to do the test so that users can create new flavor experiences and new styles. The flavor balance of the state.

From pre-wetting to the end of the extraction, each extraction stage of the espresso is very different and has its own functions. As long as you know the principle of water flow control, the barista can make good coffee with the potential of coffee.

Understand that coffee needs to be exhausted, and different water flows and pressures are suitable for different coffees. The most important thing is a good extraction balance, which can lead to more delicious espresso and more satisfying tasters.

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